What we do

Job Search Assistance

At GCJC, we provide you with the resources needed to secure a job based on your qualification and background. We also help our job seekers craft a professional resume that gets interviewers intrigued.

Career Counseling

At GCJC, we give positive and professional advice on your career path and choice with much consideration to your thoughts, feelings, interests, abilities, values, and education. We make sure you are happy and successful.

Skill Development

We organize programs that are based on skill development to help the people of Gomoa Central Constituency, especially the youth, access sustainable livelihood opportunities. We focus on web design, coding, Microsoft Suite, Linux, Cloud computing, Graphic designing, photography, and editing, to name just a few.

Apprenticeship Program

We work with experts with years of experience, to develop programs that are practical in nature to train and enhance the lives of the people who have registered with us. Areas targeted are Cake and Event decorations, Baking, Soap and washing powder making, Construction, Driving, Fashion design, Carpentry, and joinery. Other areas of interest are currently explored.

Targeted Investment Advocacy

We support farmers’ livelihood by assisting them to adapt to climate change, improve access to equipment, and advocate for targeted investment in the agricultural sector. Our current focus is on Vegetables (Exotic & Local), fruits, Poultry, and fish farming. We partner with experts in areas of agribusiness and agricultural engineering taking into consideration the value chain and its sustainability.

Farmers Market

We create the avenue and market availability for farmers’ produces to be bought and sold. Our farmers market initiative is to facilitate connections and bonds of mutual benefits between farmers, buyers, and communities.
The intention behind this is to cut out middlemen, so our farmers receive more cedis for their produces, and buyers receive the freshest and healthy food while the local economy booms.

A Little Intro

Gomoa Central Job Center (GCJC)

is a community-based initiative established to provide a rich experience, quality guidance, and livelihood opportunities to the people of Gomoa Central Constituency, to boost self-worth and economic growth for sustainable development


is committed to programs that are based on skill development to help communities access sustainable livelihood opportunities to alleviate poverty.

We work with experts with years of experience, to develop programs that are practical and innovative in nature to train and enhance the lives of the youth and families in Gomoa Central Constituency who are involved in our initiatives.

At Gomoa Central Job Center

We do all this with the hope of empowering the people involved especially the youth and turning the majority of them into entrepreneurs who can further give back to their communities.

Our Success Story

At Gomoa Central Job Center, we help youth and families Access Sustainable Livelihood Opportunities.